Under the baggage policy, you can carry one small bag and one personal item without paying the excess baggage charges. Remember that your small bag size should not be more than 56 x 36 x 23 cm, and you can not carry restricted personal items such as sharp or harmful items. As per the baggage rules excess baggage charges will apply if you carry more than two bags or carry a weight of more than 50 pounds. If you purchase Flexi tickets at the time of flight cancellation, you will get excess baggage fees.
As per the baggage rules, the airline will allow you to check your first two bags without incurring extra charges. An excess luggage fee will apply if you check a third bag or above. If you travel with your pet, the airline will consider it as checked-baggage at the time of check-in under the Pet policy. Here are some rules for checked-Baggage:
According to carry-on baggage rules, you can bring two checked bags free of charge. However, as per the flight baggage allowance policy, the airline will apply an excess baggage fee if you carry more than two bags. Your personal items will not be considered an extra bag if you carry a purse, laptop, small briefcase or book. Under the terms and conditions, you can not carry more than 43*33*20 cm of your personal item.
According to Flying Dada Airlines baggage rules, you can not carry some prohibited items. If you carry any kind of restricted item, the airline will not allow you to board the flight. During your journey, below items are prohibited on flight
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